A short animation made by students that took part in the 2022 BFX Animation Competition is being used to promote a beach wheelchair scheme in Pembrokeshire.
During the BFX Competition, participating students were paired with animation industry professionals and a charity organisation to work on a prepared script across a nine-week production period.
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority was one of the selected charities this year and requested an animation to promote their Outdoor Mobility Project. This offers mobility scooters and all-terrain wheelchairs to hire at locations across Pembrokeshire and its coastline.
The team made up of UK Higher Education students Janet He, Koey Leung, Malachi Dempsey-Clark, Maria Bartucca and Soraya Assadian developed the animation titled ‘A Day at the Seaside’ which is now being used to promote the Outdoor Mobility Project offer.
National Park Authority Health and Well-being Policy Officer, Hannah Buck, said: “We were absolutely delighted to be chosen to be part of the competition and blown away by the quality of work and attention to detail shown by the students. The students have been brilliant to work with and really understood our brief and we are delighted with the finished animation, which will help spread the word about the range of equipment available to hire around the National Park.”
The animation is available to watch on YouTube and the Pembrokeshire Coast website and depicts a mother revisiting the coast with her son after reminiscing over family holiday photographs.
You can find out more about the other projects completed as part of this year’s BFX competition on the BFX website. The animation competition winners will be announced during the BFX Festival in November.