
The BFX Festival hosts multiple annual competitions, discover how you can take part.

The BFX Festival hosts annual competitions open to both teams and individual creatives. Participants tackle diverse briefs provided by Bournemouth University’s National Centre for Computer Animation or partnering charities.
Some competitions are open to all Higher Education students, with others exclusively for BU students. Prizes change yearly, with past winners taking home Amazon vouchers, Wacom tablets, and more.

Easter Jam

Our Easter Jam competition is run in partnership with BU’s Animation Society and takes place in the Spring.
BU students can get creative and expand their professional portfolios. Over two weeks, they’re tasked with creating a piece of work according to a set theme and submitting it to be judged in one of four categories such as concept art, real-time 3D environment, modelling and character animation. Each week entrants meet with industry mentors virtually to receive feedback on their piece before the submission deadline.

The BFX Competition

The BFX Competition supports local and national charities and takes place from Spring through Summer, with final submissions being used in the charity’s digital marketing campaigns.

This year we’re proud to be working with the following charities:

  • MYTIME Young Carers
  • The Story Works
  • Vita Nova
  • Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC)
  • Hope For Food
  • Sustrans
  • DEED

Find out more

In-Festival Competitions

In-festival Competitions take place during the BFX Festival and include:

  • The Game Jam – a 72-hour event to create a game, as a team or individually, according to the set theme/brief. Winners are announced according to various categories.
  • Caricature Competition – capture the industry’s finest technical and creative professionals during their talk or masterclass and caricaturise them, our judging panel will pick the top 3.
  • Sculpting Competition – you’ve got an hour to sculpt a digital creation using the industry standard tech in our Poole Gateway Building.